Well, I've been crusing blogs and keeping my eye out here, and it looks like everyone has either received their package or it is en route (I know those international ones can take awhile!). I'm so glad to see how much everyone has enjoyed themselves and the beautiful packages you've all received.
I know it's probably been a hectic month for us all; hopefully your gift knitting is done and you can enjoy your coffee and knit something for yourself now! If you haven't taken the time to post and thank your swap partner, please be sure to show her how much you appreciate her package by posting pics and a big "thank you." It's always a bummer to work hard putting a package together and not hearing much about it. Plus, it's fun to show off your new stuff!!
One boring thing on the big Blogger switch: Does anyone know how that works with group blogs such as this? I want to switch mine over but don't want to mess things up for everyone else. Any ideas?
Edited to add: Okay I found out that once I switch, you guys will need to switch as well to post to this blog (it looks like Blogger will switch everyone eventually anyway). So, I'll be switching over Sunday night; if you want to post aftter that you'll need to make the switch!
I'm looking forward to Coffee Swap Two this spring!!!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Caps for the Capitol
Just a reminder, if you didn't read about it on my blog or Knittymama's: I'm having a contest for Caps for the Capital. You have until Dec. 30th to whip up some preemie size hats, and let me know about it. Every hat gets you an entry in my yarn give away. I'll draw names on New Year's Eve.
Details, links, and yarn photos up at Fruity Sheep .
Details, links, and yarn photos up at Fruity Sheep .
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Box on the way to Peggy
I do hope that Peggy gets her box before Christmas. I sent it in plenty of time according to the postman. I have never sent anything to Canada before so we will see. Since I am working in New Orleans, LA. I put in some items that were strictly from the area. I can also hardly wait to see my box. I have been reading about all the others and I am jealous. This was fun.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Christmas Deliveries
Well I hope my partner gets a delivery this week. Holding thumbs that the South African post
service will at least get it there safely .
service will at least get it there safely .
Season's Greetings
I just wanted to quickly wish everyone a very happy holiday season! I hope you are all have a healthy, happy New Year!
PS: On the "coffee front" I discovered, at 5:30 this morning, that 7-11 makes a fantastic Pumpkin Cheesecake Latte. Yummy yummy yummy! (and far cheaper than Starbucks to boot! Whoo hoo!)
PS: On the "coffee front" I discovered, at 5:30 this morning, that 7-11 makes a fantastic Pumpkin Cheesecake Latte. Yummy yummy yummy! (and far cheaper than Starbucks to boot! Whoo hoo!)
Monday, December 18, 2006
here are my treats!

Sunday, December 17, 2006
I got my package!
Sorry y'all but I had the BEST swap partner-DeborahYou can see everything over on my blog Where I forgot to mention the coffee(sorry Deb) in my package!Just know I got some and it is delicious!
Thanks for everything Deborah.And thanks to Knittymama for putting this all together.Count me in for the next one!
Thanks for everything Deborah.And thanks to Knittymama for putting this all together.Count me in for the next one!
Coffee Goodness!
Hello everyone - while I cannot post a photo (I cannot find the camera cord!!) I wanted to thank Carin for the wonderful goodies she sent me! It was an awesome box of goodies! Starting with some Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn in a yummy coffee blend of colors, some yummy Chocolate Cherry Walnut biscotti, some delicious Rocky Road Fudge, some awesome coffee - Demon - roasted locally in New Hampshire where Carin lives - wow is it amazingly good! She topped off my package with some much needed "knitters" post it notes entitled - "socks, socks, socks". Quite appropriate! Carin, thank you so much for the yummy goodies! You were a great swap partner!
Strange Little Mama's Box O' Goodness

I was overwhelmed by the wonderfulness of all of the items in my box of goodness from strange little mama. I am in a crazy sock knitting mood right now and she sent me enough nummy self patterning sock yarn to knit a pair for me and one for the creep! The chocolate bar was gone before the day was out and I put the coffee and the extra large mug to good use right away as well. The funny thing about the mug, and I didn't tell her this before hand, is that my other favorite mug is a starbucks mug that says "minneapolis/st. paul" - I may have to start a collection! I have always coveted the "ssk" type magnets and stickers, so it was great to see that nestled in with the rest of the goodies. The soap and the incense smell terrific and I can't wait to wear the "my stash is bigger than your stash" button to my next knitting group!
Thank you strange little mama!
Friday, December 15, 2006
My Swap Package is Here!
Wow! Laura You ROCK!
I was so excited when I received this in a HUGE box!

Thank you every so much Laura! What a terrific coffee indulgence! Details can be found right here on my blog...

Thank you every so much Laura! What a terrific coffee indulgence! Details can be found right here on my blog...
a great big THANK YOU to Angela

Spoiled Rotten, That's Me!
Well, Kelly apparently thought I was a very, very good girl this year...look at all these goodies from my Coffeeswap Santa:

Coffee! And mugs! And Peeps! And Jasmine Body Scrub and Cucumber Melon Body Butter~
And, of course, yarn:
Look at that batch...Regia, Trekking, and Opal. In absolutely gorgeous colors.
Thanks so much, Kelly!!!!
Pacakge of goodies arrive in Tualatin...

LaVerna your box is in the mail!
... and has left Jersey. Despite many trials and tribulations thrown at me by my family's constant attempts to sabotage anything I wanted to do, I filled your box to the brim with Jerseylicious stuff and raced over to my neighborhood post office. I waited on the extra, extra long line where I got to hear the gripes of all the happy holiday, last minute patrons complain about government inefficiency! I did meet a very nice man on the line who has his own radio show (ooh you should have heard his voice)and we chatted away about all things related to nothing at all. He asked me what I was mailing and I showed him (sorry). He didn't get it though, so I had to explain about the Knitter's Coffee Swap. He still didn't get it -
"You mean, you send all of this stuff to a practical stranger?" He asked quizzically.
"Um hm, and she's in Texas too!" I said with a happy face.
"Did she send you anything?" He was still puzzled.
"Well, yeah!" I nearly shouted. Everyone on the line was now eavesdropping.
"How many people do this thing, the swapping that is." He had a dirty look on his face.
"Yo, back off, dude, it ain't like that at all!" I put on my sistagirl face from Brooklyn.
"I didn't mean anything, it's just that.., I mean, well, nobody ever gave me anything like that before. Maybe I'm in the wrong business." He looked hurt.
"Ok, we cool, not to worry." I said.
He smiled, I smiled and the other people on the line looked very confused so I popped open the box (again, sorry) and showed everyone on the line. After that, no one else complained about the long line, the wait or government inefficiency any more. I heard someone whisper, "wow, now that's the spirit of the holidays...."
So, LaVerna, your package is in the mail sealed with good karma!!
"You mean, you send all of this stuff to a practical stranger?" He asked quizzically.
"Um hm, and she's in Texas too!" I said with a happy face.
"Did she send you anything?" He was still puzzled.
"Well, yeah!" I nearly shouted. Everyone on the line was now eavesdropping.
"How many people do this thing, the swapping that is." He had a dirty look on his face.
"Yo, back off, dude, it ain't like that at all!" I put on my sistagirl face from Brooklyn.
"I didn't mean anything, it's just that.., I mean, well, nobody ever gave me anything like that before. Maybe I'm in the wrong business." He looked hurt.
"Ok, we cool, not to worry." I said.
He smiled, I smiled and the other people on the line looked very confused so I popped open the box (again, sorry) and showed everyone on the line. After that, no one else complained about the long line, the wait or government inefficiency any more. I heard someone whisper, "wow, now that's the spirit of the holidays...."
So, LaVerna, your package is in the mail sealed with good karma!!

Look at what the the post brought me . . . I am in COFFEE HEAVEN!!! When I came back from lunch on Monday there was a package on my desk at work from Canada . . . well I knew immediately what that meant . . . ANITA LEE SENT ME GOODIES FROM RICHMOND, BC!!! . . . and what goodies they are . . . Anita wrote in her letter to me (the back side of the letter is shown here . . . Anita cut out ladybugs and put them all over the letter . . . too cute!!!!) that she went to three different coffee shops in the Vancouver area where they roast coffee and sent me organic French Roast beans from Salt Spring Coffee, organic Arabica beans from Viva Java (a local Richmond coffee shop where the beans were roasted the morning that she sent my package-talk about fresh!) and a Christmas blend from JJ Bean House of Coffee . . . and the bonus to all these coffees is that if I fall in love with any of them I will be able to get more by e-mailing my request to the shops. . . isn't that great!!!!! Anita also visited "THE" Canadian coffee & donut shop, Tim Horton's, and sent me a mug with a little package of their blend of coffee.
Now as you can tell from the picture the goodies did not end there . . . Anita also whipped up a batch of homemade (that's right . . . made fresh the morning of the mailing) Peppermint Bark . . . of course my co-workers and I had to try some of that right away . . . WOW its great especially with a cup of coffee . . . who knew that you could make something that tastes so good from Special K cereal . . . and the final goodies in the package were 3 skiens of 100% wool Jojoland yarn if a soft varigated green color . . . I can't wait to start knitting that yarn up!!!!
So a BIG THANK YOU Anita . . . you did good and as you said . . . we may have had a slow start (wrong email and blog addresses - we were driving our poor hostess crazy) but we did get on track . . . I am now going to enjoy a cup of Viva Java coffee while I look through some knitting books for the perfect pattern for the yarn!!!
(aka oldknitter)
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Heaven in a Cookie
Knitters, Coffee-drinkers, Friends.
I can't believe that I haven't shared this recipe with you all yet. Though what I'm truly sad about is that I didn't know about it until *after* sending my package to my Coffee Swap Pal. What a lovely addition this would have made! Without further ado, I present to you - my Fine Coffee Friends - Heaven in a Cookie:
Yield: 25 squares or 50 triangles
Prep: 15 min., bake: 20 min., cool: 30 min.
• 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
• 1/2 cup powdered sugar
• 2 teaspoons instant coffee granules
• 2/3 cup butter or margarine, softened
• 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 2 cups (12 ounces) semisweet chocolate morsels, divided
• Vanilla or coffee ice cream (optional)
Combine first 3 ingredients in a medium bowl; add butter and vanilla, and beat at low speed with an electric mixer until blended. Stir in 1 cup chocolate morsels.
Press dough into an ungreased 9-inch square pan; prick dough with a fork.
Bake at 325° for 20 minutes or until lightly browned. Sprinkle remaining cup of morsels over top, and spread to cover as it melts. Cut shortbread into 25 (about 1 3⁄4-inch) squares; cut each square into 2 triangles if desired. Let cool 30 minutes in pan before removing. Serve with ice cream, if desired.
I have ridiculously low willpower when these little cookies are in my home. Yet I keep making them... Ah, well. It IS December after all. Merry, merry!
I can't believe that I haven't shared this recipe with you all yet. Though what I'm truly sad about is that I didn't know about it until *after* sending my package to my Coffee Swap Pal. What a lovely addition this would have made! Without further ado, I present to you - my Fine Coffee Friends - Heaven in a Cookie:
Yield: 25 squares or 50 triangles
Prep: 15 min., bake: 20 min., cool: 30 min.
• 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
• 1/2 cup powdered sugar
• 2 teaspoons instant coffee granules
• 2/3 cup butter or margarine, softened
• 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 2 cups (12 ounces) semisweet chocolate morsels, divided
• Vanilla or coffee ice cream (optional)
Combine first 3 ingredients in a medium bowl; add butter and vanilla, and beat at low speed with an electric mixer until blended. Stir in 1 cup chocolate morsels.
Press dough into an ungreased 9-inch square pan; prick dough with a fork.
Bake at 325° for 20 minutes or until lightly browned. Sprinkle remaining cup of morsels over top, and spread to cover as it melts. Cut shortbread into 25 (about 1 3⁄4-inch) squares; cut each square into 2 triangles if desired. Let cool 30 minutes in pan before removing. Serve with ice cream, if desired.
I have ridiculously low willpower when these little cookies are in my home. Yet I keep making them... Ah, well. It IS December after all. Merry, merry!

I am so relieved!! I got word a couple of days ago from my swap partner "Gigiknits" that she received her parcel that I sent! I was worried because first of all I procrastinated and didn't get it sent out early enough and Canada Post was telling me it would take 10 business days to get to her (not even a whole day's drive away, but across the border, so I guess that makes a difference!) and then to top of my woes, a friend of mine had told me she'd heard that some people have trouble shipping things like food goods and yarns across to the States. BAH! I was having fits of "what if? what if?" But (sigh) she got it (not too late - only three days past the deadline) and it sounds like she was pleased. Next time I do a swap, I vow not to procrastinate! Silly thing is I had everything gathered up in plenty of time, just couldn't seem to get myself off to the post office.
Thanks, Knittymama for hosting my first ever swap! It's been so much fun, and I look forward to the next one!!
Thanks, Knittymama for hosting my first ever swap! It's been so much fun, and I look forward to the next one!!
Oops, Forgot to post here.
I posted on my blog, but forgot to come over here. Knittymama sent me a great package!
Chocolate, Peace Coffee, more chocolate, some lucious Celestial BFL from Lucy Neatby, and other goodies.
Thanks so much. Can't wait for the next one. This was so much fun.
Chocolate, Peace Coffee, more chocolate, some lucious Celestial BFL from Lucy Neatby, and other goodies.
Thanks so much. Can't wait for the next one. This was so much fun.
Did you get your package??
What wonderful, gererous swappers we have in this bunch!!! I am amazed at the beautiful boxes everyone has been opening. Remember, you should have received your package by now. Drop me an e-mail if yours is late and your partner hasn't let you know what's up. If you have gotten your package, but sure to post here and let your pal know how much you love it!!!
I've been getting a lot of inquiries as to Coffee Swap Two. Yes, there will be one! I'll open it to more swappers next time and I'm hoping to get some donated gifts so we can have more contests and prizes. (If you want to donate let me know). Sign ups for the next swap will open up in April and the swap will run through May. I'll be sure to make plenty of announcements on my blog beforehand so you won't miss it. I'll announce it here as well.
In the meantime, enjoy your coffee, start a new project, and keep posting at this blog as much as you want. I'm sure people would love to see what you've knit up with all that yarn by now!
I've been getting a lot of inquiries as to Coffee Swap Two. Yes, there will be one! I'll open it to more swappers next time and I'm hoping to get some donated gifts so we can have more contests and prizes. (If you want to donate let me know). Sign ups for the next swap will open up in April and the swap will run through May. I'll be sure to make plenty of announcements on my blog beforehand so you won't miss it. I'll announce it here as well.
In the meantime, enjoy your coffee, start a new project, and keep posting at this blog as much as you want. I'm sure people would love to see what you've knit up with all that yarn by now!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I'm the luckiest!
Thank you so much, Chrissie! She sent the most fabulous package - check it out on my blog for a photo (blogger isn't playing nice so I can't post a preview) and details.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
My Package!
I received my package from Amy last week!! She's amazing. I had three different yarns, some snowman accessories (a spoon rest, which I so needed, and a small mug!), chocolate covered pretzel bits, caramel corn, some amazing raspberry and chocolate poinsetta candies, two different types of coffee (which are amazing!!!) Unfortunately I have no camera right now as mine is on the fritz, so I can only relate how great my gifts were. Thanks so much Amy. You're the greatest!!
The Art of Receiving
Thank you to Erin. I received a wonderful yarn and wooden knitting needles. A beautiful blue mug, chocolate spoons and of course Coffee.
I thought the chocolate spoons were for my daughter. Then Ruth informed me that i am supposed to stir it into my coffee. (her comment was that I am sometimes so South African)

I thought the chocolate spoons were for my daughter. Then Ruth informed me that i am supposed to stir it into my coffee. (her comment was that I am sometimes so South African)

Monday, December 11, 2006
I'm so excited!

The Art of giving
The Art of giving
I have really enjoyed being part of the knitters Coffee Swap. I have not yet received my parcel, neither has my partner received hers.
Being involved with this swap has really been a fun experience. I have gotten know a lot other people. I have gotten to know my friend Ruth better. I have gotten to know the area I live in and the products on offer better. I liked the fact that it was an open swap and that you could ask your partner questions.
The only down side was that I had to watch the weight of my parcel because of the cost of sending it overseas.
I was involved with a secret friend group in Church one year. Half way through the year my partner moved and the gifts stopped and no-one knew. I will still sending to my partner but I was not receiving anything. Not nice.
There is definitely a joy one gets in buying gifts (as long as you are not stressed about money).
Its wonderful to get a gift that you actually like. You know someone has taken care to think about you.
Being involved with this swap has really been a fun experience. I have gotten know a lot other people. I have gotten to know my friend Ruth better. I have gotten to know the area I live in and the products on offer better. I liked the fact that it was an open swap and that you could ask your partner questions.
The only down side was that I had to watch the weight of my parcel because of the cost of sending it overseas.
I was involved with a secret friend group in Church one year. Half way through the year my partner moved and the gifts stopped and no-one knew. I will still sending to my partner but I was not receiving anything. Not nice.
There is definitely a joy one gets in buying gifts (as long as you are not stressed about money).
Its wonderful to get a gift that you actually like. You know someone has taken care to think about you.
My package arrived!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
I got mail!

Thank you, Susan! From San Antonio she sent me Rio Grande blend coffee ("Hints of cinnamon and chocolate" -- my favorite two flavors!), orange-cranberry biscotti (now, sadly, all eaten, but lovely while they lasted), Dagoba chocolate* ("Dark chocolate, chilies & nibs" -- wowza, yum!), and yarn. Oh, the yarn. Two skeins of Atacama alpaca worsted in gorgeous shades of turquoise and black/brown. Come see some more pictures of its lusciousness at my blog.
* The sharp-eyed among you will notice that only the outer wrapper of this chocolate is present. Hey, the package came 3 days ago! You didn't think chocolate would hang around that long uneaten, did you? :-)
Texas in the house!
My dear LaVerna has sent me a wonderful variety of goodies -

The yarn and coffee is scrumptious -

I got stitch markers and a coffee mug and mints and moisturizer and note paper and chocolate and so much more! Thank you LaVerna for being so generous and thoughtful! I'm going to start on that hat right away! The sock pattern is aptly entitled, "sell your sole socks" because after my disaster with my first knitted sock attempt, I just may have to do that in order to be successful the second time around!
Someone asked about the colorway for the Sweetgeorgia Yarn - it's Boheme and it is gorgeous!

The yarn and coffee is scrumptious -

I got stitch markers and a coffee mug and mints and moisturizer and note paper and chocolate and so much more! Thank you LaVerna for being so generous and thoughtful! I'm going to start on that hat right away! The sock pattern is aptly entitled, "sell your sole socks" because after my disaster with my first knitted sock attempt, I just may have to do that in order to be successful the second time around!
Someone asked about the colorway for the Sweetgeorgia Yarn - it's Boheme and it is gorgeous!
Thank you, Mamagrouch!
I received my package yesterday from MamaGrouch and it rocked!! She sent me all kinds of goodness! Click on the picture below for details...

A, you should have received your package yesterday, and if not, definitely Monday!

A, you should have received your package yesterday, and if not, definitely Monday!
Friday, December 08, 2006
How lucky can one girl be?
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Hey everyone!!!

I received my goodies today from my pal, Kathryn!! What an awesome bunch of gifties! Thanks Kathryn! Your package is on it's way and I hope you love it to pieces!
What Fun!!!
I have enjoyed buying my goodies to send to my partner. I am sending them out on Sat. Wendy! If my post office has one of those do-it-yourself mailing boxes it will be tonight. Every time I was ready to seal the box, I found another fun item to add....this is like Christmas and being Santa! Please consider having another swap after the holidays.
I have really enjoyed this and it has lifted my gift giving spirits this holiday season!
scappyhappy (Iva)
I have really enjoyed this and it has lifted my gift giving spirits this holiday season!
scappyhappy (Iva)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Package is ready!
Just wanted to assure my swap partner, kathy, that her package will be mailed this afternoon. I think I picked out some pretty yummy stuff- it was hard to tape it shut without snitching a little sumpin' sumpin'! Everybody's packages have looked awesome so far!
Have a great day, everybody!
Have a great day, everybody!
I am sooooo blown away I won! I know I was picked randomly but its so cool! Yeah for me! Thank you, Thank You so much, I feel so blessed! This swap has been so fun, every day I rush to the computer, knocking kids and dog outta my way to be first to check out the new posts. We have to do another one, this is way too much fun.
Thanks again !!!!
I am sooooo blown away I won! I know I was picked randomly but its so cool! Yeah for me! Thank you, Thank You so much, I feel so blessed! This swap has been so fun, every day I rush to the computer, knocking kids and dog outta my way to be first to check out the new posts. We have to do another one, this is way too much fun.
Thanks again !!!!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
A winner!!
The random number generator has picked the winner of our contest! It's Wendy, who's favorite place to enjoy a cup of coffee is her own personal coffeeshop at home:-) Wendy, e-mail me at coffeeswap AT yahoo DOT com with your snail mail and the Malabrigo is yours! Congratulations!!
Thanks to everyone who shared. I really enjoyed everyone's entries...makes me want to take a serious cross-contiental coffee/yarn crawl! I wish I had a prize for every single one of you. You are such wonderful, generous swappers!
Thanks to everyone who shared. I really enjoyed everyone's entries...makes me want to take a serious cross-contiental coffee/yarn crawl! I wish I had a prize for every single one of you. You are such wonderful, generous swappers!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Spoiled Rotten and loving it.....
Oh no... another new favourite!
Well. This fall I abandoned my very favourite Gingerbread Spice Latte from Starbucks for Pumpkin Spice Lattes from the same. Tonight my fickle tastes have been swayed towards a new favourite. Nick (youngest son) and I went out to the Forks tonight to pick up some coffee beans that I ordered specially for my boyfriend. It seems to be becoming a weekly ritual for Nick and I; last week we went for beans for my coffee swap partner! Anyways, I digress... I decided on a whim to try something new at Expresso Junction and ordered a Candy Cane Mocha. Oh my... heaven in a cup especially on a cold wintery night! Peppermint syrup, espresso and hot chocolate topped with whipped cream, chocolate sauce and crushed candy cane. Can you get any better than that? Yum, yum, yum. Farewell pumpkin and gingerbread, for I have found my soul mate of coffees!
Parcel almost ready
I am flying to the UK this Thursday and will be sending Samantha's parcel from there, it should reach her in two days. I have found two locally packaged coffee, and the yarn I am sending is handpainted wool/mohair/silk blend from over the rainbow, enough to make the Sophia fleted bag (she just knitted her first felted bag not long ago). Plus other goodies.
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Saturday's mail contained the most awesome parcel. The aroma of freshly roasted coffee wafted from the box and filled the entire room before it was even opened. And once the hindering tape, cardboard and paper were removed I squealed in delight at the contents. There were not one or two, or even three or four, but FIVE different roasts of coffee from the Bostons Best Coffee Roasters. And two amazing new cups will ensure that my morning coffee ritual is completely amazing. Also there were three gourmet chocolate bars and 400 yards of amazing hand dyed yarn from Mind's Eye Yarns in Cambridge. And just who is responsible for all of these fibery and caffeinated delights? That would be Miss V from KnittingSpells! Thank you so very much to Miss V and thank you to the organizers of this wonderful swap.
Friday, December 01, 2006
My favorite place for a cup of joe is just down the street:
my favorite place to sit
The semi-rustic decor with exposed beams, the comfy leather chairs, and the stone fireplace remind me of cabins up north in Minnesota. Chicago's a great place to live, don't get me wrong, but I miss my home state, especially in the winter, when I long for the frozen tundra, deer, and pine trees.
Caribou started in Minnesota. The founders started it with their trip to Alaska in mind, but really it seems more Minnesota-themed to me. The Ho Ho Mocha, topped with a generous dollop of whipped cream and crushed candy cane, is to die for, and the Gingerbread Latte isn't half bad, either.
I know, Caribou is a corporate chain, but it's near and dear to my heart for a couple reasons.

Caribou started in Minnesota. The founders started it with their trip to Alaska in mind, but really it seems more Minnesota-themed to me. The Ho Ho Mocha, topped with a generous dollop of whipped cream and crushed candy cane, is to die for, and the Gingerbread Latte isn't half bad, either.
nothing like waiting . . .
till the last minute! But I did put my entry along with photos of my favorite coffee mugs on my blog this morning. It is my new beta blog, I had to switch in the middle of this swap - the old one will still route you to the new.
I hope everyone has a lovely and well caffinate weekend!
I hope everyone has a lovely and well caffinate weekend!
Coffee Poem
One of my co-workers has this posted on her wall of her office! I thought it was kind of cute!
Caffeine is my shepherd; I shall not doze.
It maketh me to wake in green pastures:
It leadeth me beyond the sleeping masses.
It restoreth my buzz:
It leadeth me in the paths of consciousness for its name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of addiction, I
will fear no Equal (tm):
For thou art with me;
Thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me.
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of Juan Valdez:
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over.
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the House of Maxwell for ever.
Caffeine is my shepherd; I shall not doze.
It maketh me to wake in green pastures:
It leadeth me beyond the sleeping masses.
It restoreth my buzz:
It leadeth me in the paths of consciousness for its name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of addiction, I
will fear no Equal (tm):
For thou art with me;
Thy cream and thy sugar they comfort me.
Thou preparest a carafe before me in the presence of Juan Valdez:
Thou anointest my day with pep; my mug runneth over.
Surely richness and taste shall follow me all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the House of Maxwell for ever.
Contest Entry
I hope I am not late to the contest! I posted an entry in my blog and also posted a pic of my favorite mug.
Holy Package Batman!
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