Thursday, July 05, 2007

Angels needed!!! (Also titled: "Did You Ditch Your Pal?")

Wow...after seeing all the wonderful packages I am so bummed to have to make this post. The first coffee swap went off nearly without a hitch and this one started out so swimmingly; no problems at all. But as it is wrapping up it seems we have a few members who have had partners who have ditched them, which means we need a few angels. Anyone want to help out? I figure people can either be an angel all on their own, or if there are people who can't be an entire angel, maybe we could have a few "half angels" who work with another member to send off two smaller packages to someone rather than one big one. So, if you'd like to be an angel and help a few of our lovely members who have been neglected by their pals, please e-mail me at coffeeswap AT yahoo DOT com and I'll set people up. Thank you SO VERY MUCH!!!

Now I'll add this: please, please, please....if you have not sent your pal a package please do so now, let them know it's coming and let me know it's coming. Or at least, e-mail me and let me know what the heck happened.

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